Articles tagged with: Advice
What we do to make people believe we’re cooler than we are, and why it’s totally okay.
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Breaking up was easy to do.
I moved back to Alaska, they were in New Jersey. The time zone alone made it nearly impossible for …
Only two kinds of freedom exist: rich freedom; and, poor freedom. The middle equals slavery. So, I’m choosing to un-choice. I want nothing.
When I was young (compared to my ripe old age of 22) I wanted to be so many different things when I grew up that I had trouble picking that one job that would fulfill …
Pick up lines. We’ve all heard them. Some are more creative than others, but most of them are just embarrassing. What is it about a man approaching a woman in a public place and using …
Now that my graduate school career has come to a close, I’ve been asked the “So, what are you going to do now?” question pretty much on a daily basis. My standard answer, “I dunno. …
The hardest part of finding a new job is often leaving the old one.