Articles in Headline
You’ve been single, now you’re in a relationship. Does pressure come with the territory or is it self-imposed?
Bikram is a growing problem in the United States, rapidly becoming more threatening and prevalent than H1N1.
What is a “healthy” relationship going to look like when the dust settles from this “Twitter-Storm-Facebook-Frenzy?”
When everything is right there, conversations and fantasies waiting to be had with just the click “confirming” a friend, how does one maintain a healthy relationship, with the person who ISN’T staring at you via an old photograph on a computer screen?
What’s better than breaking up?
Creating a photo montage of it.
What are these things we were told to want, expected to pursue? What are these things we were told would make us happy? 1. Love 2. Success 3. Freedom. I might as well quote The Declaration of Independence: we expect “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” but our generation feels that love is not to be possessed, nor can it ever make our lives more real; success is undefined and relative; and freedom: we always have less than we’d like.
As a companion for my husband’s grandmother, I learn more than I bargained for about persistence and who we all are, really.
Don’t ask why; just be glad. The 90s are back, and we can be women again. Not the little girls of the 2000s. We can be proud of being on top of our shit. We …
Ever feel like you just don’t have enough clothes in your closet?
Or you do, but dammit, you’ve worn everything and could really just use a change?