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Bros before Hos.

Submitted by maggie on May 14, 2010 – 10:50 pmComments

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fist-bumpThe saying ‘bros before hos’ has always irked me.  For me this calls to mind two douchey dudes fist pounding each other while a tramp slinks sadly away.  As my life experience ripens, however, I would like to recognize the wisdom of ‘bros before hos.’

I think part of the reason I harbored distaste for so long was my jealousy of the male’s ability to honor this saying.  It seems so simple for guys to embrace apathy; to them ass is just ass while a friend is for life.  Women are a different story.  Even the most emotionally balanced female will feel some tug at her pride when a friend begins seeing an ex.  No matter the level of intimacy, the time elapsed since breakup, or the current relationship status, most women will allow a man to interfere with a friendship.  The jealousy may not present itself in shirt-ripping, hair-pulling, full-on-catfight status, but the emotions are still real and consuming.

Thus my behest: ladies, learn from these boys.  If you are done with him, be done.  If you are seeing a bff’s ex, please talk to her about it like an adult.  While a chest bump and shotgunning a beer may not heal all wounds, remember that no man is worth losing a friendship over.  Even if he ends up being your soul mate, you can’t have a wedding without your maid of honor.

Take a deep breath, embrace your inner dude, and chant with me: “chicks before dicks.”

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  • SKD

    *chanting* chicks before dicks, chicks before dicks :)))

  • The classic -ignoring your gfs- thing is SO true...

  • Ina

    Well said! Men do seem to be much better about this than women. I had to re-learn it each time I got into a new relationship. I'd forget about my best girls, then months later have a confrontation with them about how I'd been ignoring them. Every. Time. :P But I'm glad they approached me or else I would never have seen the error of my ways.

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