Articles tagged with: trust

As a baby of the choice generation, I’ve never considered the consequences of my choices on anyone other than myself. Membership in the choice generation assures that kind of self reference. After all, our generation seeks choice the way Baby Boomers sought wealth. We want to appropriate it and own it. Ownership accompanies possession. Possession implies a private relationship of closed interaction. We view our choices only as they pertain to us and only as they effect and consequence our lives.

A few nights ago I had a chance to party with an old friend. But our choices are making that an unsteady enterprise.
Trusting people is not-so-easy.

Like the old song says, “If you want the things you love you must have showers…”

If your boy-toy is up with the current times (or has a pulse) he should have a twitter account. Follow it immediately.
It can be a great thing, globalization. Much as I’m up for railing against its evils, it sure as hell has some upsides to it. I mean, not even to mention the joys of the …

The saying ‘bros before hos’ has always irked me. For me this calls to mind two douchey dudes fist pounding each other while a tramp slinks sadly away. As my life experience ripens, however, I …