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Articles tagged with: Dating

I am embarrassed to have dated you
March 1, 2010 – 4:48 pm | Comments
I am embarrassed to have dated you

There have been times in my life when I’ve honestly felt as though I have an inordinately high number of ridiculous dating stories. The kind of stories that your friends make you tell and re-tell. I have more recently come to the conclusion that I am not more prone to situations in which hilarity ensues (I’m sure my friends will dispute this), but I simply have no shame in sharing to friends, family and colleagues the unbelievably stupid things that I have witnessed actual dates doing.

On Destroying Serial Monogamy
March 1, 2010 – 4:37 am | Comments
On Destroying Serial Monogamy

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My favorite thing to do at bars recently has been to convince my female friends to break up with their boyfriends.  This has had …

Tissues Sold Separately.
March 1, 2010 – 4:17 am | Comments
Tissues Sold Separately.

Barbie and Ken have recently broken up.