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Quitting the Job Search

Submitted by AnthonyS on June 16, 2010 – 3:24 amComments

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Photo courtesy MooseNuggette via Flickr

Photo courtesy MooseNuggette via Flickr

Every once in a while you need to shock your system into reminding you that there’s more to life than the 12 inches in front of your face.  In my (and many people’s) case, that 12 inches included a computer screen filled with cover letters, resumes, and job search web sites.  Boooorrrrriiiinnnnggg.  And frustrating, because luck hasn’t come easily.  So I decided to quit.  Not quit like, ‘I’m going to lie in my room with the lights off, burn incense, and pour Hershey’s syrup into my mouth,’ but quit as in, ‘This sucks, I need to mix it up before I try again.’

I came across an opportunity to live in the boonies of northwestern Pennsylvania, and I could paint houses to make money for the summer.  And I mean, come on, who wouldn’t jump at the chance to live in backwoods Pennsylvania for a couple months?

Now, I haven’t given up on finding a job, because all signs point to the fact that I will need one at some point if I want to be considered a respectable human being (still deciding on that).  But today I powerwashed siding in the sun, then rowed around a swampy lake with some very local locals hunting for snapping turtles.

In spite of my initial disquietude at what my life has become, it felt great.  And relaxing. Hopefully it will lead me to find motivation to figure out what I want to be when I really grow up.

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  • Ina

    That's so great!! The 12 inches in front of my face are a lot like what yours was...and it's so suffocating! Working out in the sun is sounding pretty good right now...

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