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Gossip Folks

Submitted by maggie on April 30, 2010 – 11:01 pmComments

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Listen up ladies. I have a juicy piece of info that will rock your world: Men gossip, as much, if not more than, women.  Now I’ll admit I spent the former part of my life oblivious to this fact.  Boys were always so mute, mumbling awkwardly to girls and entertaining each other with bathroom humor.  I assumed that since male topics of conversation were limited to cars, sports, and sports that the gossip bug only bit amongst the softer sex.  If you too believed this myth, let me tell you how wrong you were.  I happened upon this revelation recently when I began hanging out with a new group of guys.  When my girlfriend and I would casually discuss a story we had heard about someone the boys would perk up and eagerly hound us for details, often offering their own versions and relevant information.  I was shocked; at first I thought I must be mistaken.  Wrong.  Strangers began to approach me citing facts about my life that were far from public.  Stories of my activities would play telephone back to my ears, which would burn at the twisting of the tales.  I have become paranoid, swearing my friends to secrecy in anything involving my personal life lest it quickly become public male knowledge.  These men are worse than women when it comes to gossiping, and I think I have deciphered why.  Women are sensitive and tasteful when sharing someone else’s secrets.  Men have no filter to discriminate what information is too volatile to pass along, making their gossiping mouths dangerous weapons of reputation destruction.

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  • Kelsea

    "Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.”
    Frank A. Clark quotes

  • Kelsea

    "Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.”
    Frank A. Clark quotes

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