
Rather self-explanatory…


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Articles in Love

Obstacles and Muddled Memories
October 4, 2010 – 11:08 pm | Comments

Trusting people is not-so-easy.

These Vagabond Shoes, they are Longing to Stray
October 3, 2010 – 12:17 am | Comments
These Vagabond Shoes, they are Longing to Stray

New York City - Can’t be described as anything other than my mistress. Fast and Easy, how I like my men. Kidding, but this city truly gets me every time. . .

September 27, 2010 – 11:37 pm | Comments

Enough is an exclamation used to indicate a lack of enjoyment of a situation or behavior. We say “Enough” but we really mean, “that’s too much- I can’t possibly handle any more of this.” Enough is just reaching a passing mark, and giving up. Enough is the amount of water needed to quench our thirst through the required mile, but not a sufficient amount of keep us from becoming parched if we feel the pull to challenge ourselves to go just a bit further than intended.

I’m turning 28 on Friday. As I entered my 27th year, I tried to say “enough” to appease a challenge I’d been trying to free myself from for several years. As soon as I took on this mentality I felt all of my defenses shutting down, though I was told to just stay strong and that I’d find that I had “Enough” strength to get myself through. And I did. Just enough that I spent a whole year treading water with just enough breath to keep from making a scene calling for help.

Just enough will never be good enough. Enough is a mistake we make, not expecting God or the universe to provide. Not thinking people will come through. Not thinking that we can thrive instead of merely get through. If all we want is to have enough, then we have already given up.

Is This Really My Life?
September 23, 2010 – 7:51 am | Comments
Is This Really My Life?

Life in LA can be exciting in all the worst ways: earthquakes, floods, fires; but it also gets too soothing at times. The ocean breeze rustling the palm trees, fog rolling in an out, perfect weather every day, it can lull you. Maybe that’s the problem: too much of a good thing.

Personal Advice on Proper Bedroom Etiquette
September 22, 2010 – 4:17 pm | Comments
Personal Advice on Proper Bedroom Etiquette

Keeping sanity sometimes means doing away with pesky gadgets.

Date - Lifting
September 16, 2010 – 5:01 am | Comments
Date – Lifting

You’ve thought about it. He checks out his own abs in the mirror to “make sure his form is correct.” You’ve checked out his abs, ignoring completely whether or not his form is correct…

I Second that Emoticon
September 13, 2010 – 8:00 am | Comments

I don’t want to come right out and say something embarrassing like I constantly compare my life to a movie musical. I mean, that just sounds silly, right? (Then again, I need something to think about while I’m out and about in the world and everyone else is playing on their iphones as I manage with a prehistoric 2009 phone that I don’t even use to access the internet.)

But in my personal movie musical, I imagine a big opening number where the screen gets divided into several portions- like the airport hugs collage in Love Actually, and each little square contains someone updating their facebook status instead of telling people how their day was in person. And then my square lights up — Cue the wistful, but driven ballad from a girl who has more to say than will fit into a status box.

Flirting with Strangers
September 6, 2010 – 5:00 pm | Comments

I have a problem with sarcasm: I overuse it.  Plus, my poker face is amazing (I’m also really modest), so sometimes the inflection doesn’t quite cut it for people.  In other words, I make people …