And I guess now I really do feel like a “twenty-something” in the worst way possible.
Read the full story »Rather self-explanatory…
From the makeouts to the breakups, and everything in between.
How to make it and keep it, and what it feels like to do neither.
Travel, food, music, movies, fashion - all the things we do for fun.
Cubicles, commutes and finding a way to do what you love.
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Well, I did it. I broke up with my fuck-buddy.
I am 23, and I have never “broken up” with someone. I’ve gone on underwhelming dates …
During these trying economic times, a young person’s job options are limited. People are studying subjects that interest them in school and then being unable to find employment in the areas they studied in, or are having to put their passions aside and receive an education in a field that’s actually hiring.
I have lived in four different apartments in my two and a half years in Manhattan. Thats four moving trucks, four security deposits, four landlords, and one bank account depleting storage unit.
I’ll cut right to the chase. Don’t be afraid to let go (or, at the very least, loosen your grip a bit) on what could be or what you’re hoping for to live in the …
Trust. The glue that holds social networks together. (Even before social networking became online)
We trust our friends to keep our secrets.
Our families to hide our embarassing childhood photographs.
Our co workers not to rat us out.
Now, …
If it’s true you should write what you know, I’ve got a lot of thinking to do. It occurred to me that I perhaps don’t understand as much about myself as I’d assumed. Exhibit A: …
…But in spite of there being no need to look forward to the summer months, adults still to. We still have a slight gleeful tone in our voices when talking about summertime….
“Journeys end in lovers meeting”
Shakespeare said that, so I believe it to be true. Once you’ve been on a journey and really learned something new, you’re ready to start a new journey. I just wish most of my journeys lasted longer than the walk of shame home in the morning.