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When Romance Drools, Practicality Rules!

Submitted by GingerBlackstone on July 8, 2010 – 8:12 pmComments

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Make your bed! Clear your head!

Make your bed! Clear your head!

When relationships disintegrate, it is very tempting to lose interest in practicality.  What’s a credit score when my marriage curls up and dies? Who gives a crap about laundry when everything I thought I wanted, thought I had, flies out the window?

However, the key to staying a afloat, to getting that internal rest from the stress of over-thinking and over-feeling is in maintaining these essential details. Maybe not as well as I used to.  I don’t blow through a pile of bills with the get-it-done gusto of yore, but hey, I’m in pain here! The point is to get the necessities done, as quickly as possible, to prevent personal landslide.  Emotions compiled with financial stress due to debt and job crisis due to lateness are far more difficult to overcome than emotions alone.  As my Super-Wise Choister Soul Sister, Kristen, advised me in the heat of one of my many crying spells last week, “relationships are only one segment of your life.”  When one segment goes to pot, the others still need care, perhaps better care than before. 

It’s like my mom always said, “you’ll feel better if you make your bed,” and “an organized room is a clear mind.”  Who knew that this ploy to get me to clean up my crappy teenage room had a real merit, that keeping my financial and career ducks in a row is the only way to ensure that these essential quackers don’t fly the metaphorical coop?

My new, post-breakup  goals? Pay off debt, hit the freelance market harder, and finish my latest play.  Take that defeatism!

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