Articles tagged with: College
Despite the initial shock of the tedious, demeaning and/or downright weird tasks we’re given, there’s something gratifying in knowing you’re earning something more.
So is “recent graduate” a subjective term, or is there a deadline on it?
I love facebook. I also love my family. I do not, however, love that my family has discovered facebook.
You know you want to meet someone special, but where can you find an acceptable place to do so?
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Almost every community has some event to celebrate spring. These events often involve absurd amounts of alcohol. Which brings me to central Virginia’s version …
If you want one of the best contemporary examples of art influencing life, look no further than “Sex and the City,” the hit TV show that appealed FAR more to women than to men. Obviously.
When …
before you balk at the desperation of the situation and immediately transfer me to the basement in perpetual sweats with World of Warcraft, allow me to enlighten you on some of the oft-neglected pros of living at home.