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Pleasin’ in the Season

Submitted by Sara McClory on October 11, 2010 – 9:59 pmComments

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Every winter, the best holiday comes around where you exchange gifts and drink so much eggnog surprise that you embarrass yourself until you find out the surprise is cinnamon, not alcohol. This holiday is Christmas, and yes it is sweet. But it’s no longer the days where you would watch ‘The Christmas Story’ as it makes its four day marathon and open up the best gifts that people fought old ladies over; but now just empty boxes with ‘IOU’.

Recession is tragedy, but not an excuse. Evan to this day, my parents make the lame excuse that they ‘don’t have any money’ and I always remind them that Christmas is still on the 25th of December and it is every year! So don’t be the Scrooge of the family and don’t be the one with instant amnesia when fall is gone and winter is here. Start shopping now because even though the malls claim to have great sales, you end up buying thirty candles that you think is cheap and end up having no one to give them to. I am a fan of re-gifting and shame on you if you think its wrong. If you got a great gift but it’s not exactly great for you, then re-gift it to someone who will appreciate. The only down side to re-gifting; other than giving to the person who gave it to you, is giving a gift that no one wants. Someone who hates you gives you a gift from twenty years ago that they probably got at a yard sale? Then toss the junk or give it to a charity.

Now if you’re like many young American’s, then you are dealing with not having enough money to even have a holiday. This can be solved because even though places like Apple are shooting out electronics like it’s rain in Seattle, there are gifts that have ‘sentimental value’, and yes it is a real thing. Try to make something by watching video’s online and hit up your local crafts stores for supplies. Buy basic so you can create something original. Not an artist? That’s fine because there are plenty of things you can do other than art, like poetry or homemade certificates for cleaning your parents house or doing chores for you siblings. So in the event you are still jobless around December, you have personal gifts to give out and no one will be able to label you as a cheap skate.

So act now, yes in October because there is nothing more awkward than being ‘that kid’ who forgot when Christmas was.

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