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Articles by Kelsea Brennan

Kelsea Brennan, is an NYU and Gabrielle Bernstein trained life coach. Transformed by her own coaching experience Kelsea founded laf Life Coaching. Her coaching series “ A Better Way” incorporates all the knowledge and experience she has had through her own journey to living a life happier then she could ever imagine. As a daily motivator and inspiration to hundreds of woman, Kelsea teaches that through love and faith you can change for your life for the better forever. She help women who are unhappy and overwhelmed by negative thoughts, shift their thinking to change their lives. With a strong spiritual practice and understanding, Kelsea incorporates her study of metaphysics, the works of top spiritual teachers and Buddhist meditation. She is also an AAFA certified fitness instructor.

Don’t be a Gossip Girl
August 19, 2010 – 4:16 pm | Comments

The truth is gossip not only hurts the one being spoken about but it also hurts the people doing the gossiping (listener’s only, you’re not off the hook either).

A$$ in Chair
June 26, 2010 – 1:59 am | Comments

She told all of us listening on the call that she literally had to make a sign that said “Ass in Chair” in order to motivate her to write.

I began thinking about times in my life, in all our lives when we really need to use an “Ass in Chair” mentality.

The Choice in Every Day
June 10, 2010 – 1:59 am | Comments

Choices both big, and not so big (although sometimes seemingly huge) often paralyze us from moving forward or back. Caught dead in our tracks, fearful to step ahead but too frustrated to stay put. This is the way so many of us live our lives.