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A Lesson About Friendship From My Big Brother

Submitted by Shana on July 12, 2010 – 4:47 amComments

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Photo Courtesy of ruurmo via Flickr.

Photo Courtesy of ruurmo via Flickr.

“That’s not a friend.” I’ve heard that often over the past week.  I’m not going to go into why those words are on repeat and in surround sound, but it really made me think about friendship and the qualities I look for in a friend.  During my search for clarity, I turned to my big brother for advice and he gave me some sound brotherly wisdom that I have to pass on.

So here are my personal criteria for friendship: shared interests, the ability to talk about anything and everything, love, trust, and, the most important trait, loyalty.  I am an incredibly loyal and trusting person and I expect the same from my friends.  That being said, I have to be honest and say that there is a danger when you let someone really get to know you- they can use that information against you and exploit your weaknesses for their own personal gain.  It’s important to remember that it’s easy to find people you have a lot in common with, but it’s incredibly difficult to find people that you can trust.

Here’s the lesson that my big brother, Shea, told me: some friends are true friends and others are just acquaintance friends.  True friends always have your back, would never think of betraying you, and are loyal to the end.  Acquaintance friends are the ones that you can have a good time with, but you should never share your secrets with them.  I think he’s right. I think some friends are in your life for a certain time to teach you something and then you should move on.  I think true friends are forever and will be there for you no matter what happens.

I can count on one hand the number of friends that will always have my back and I feel blessed to know that I can trust in them.  I firmly believe that friends are the family you choose, so choose wisely.  I am proud to say that I have one hell of a family!


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