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Submitted by Cait D. on February 10, 2011 – 11:32 pmComments

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The power was out, the servers were down, and my four roommates and I sat staring blankly at uncooperative laptop screens. Unable to get email, unable to check statuses, we were on all accounts, completely embarrassed with ourselves.

It’s no shock how dictating technology has become to our generation.  We’re all guilty of it. The constant status updates, the mobile uploads that allow us to see the drunk boys next door wearing women’s underwear in real-time.  It is no doubt, a full blown addiction.

Don’t get me wrong, I am no technology hater. I am, like most business majors, a slave to my Gmail account. But as the five of us sat in our living room which was, for once, not glowing with the artificial light from a LCD screen, we started questioning our textuality.

When did technology become so inhibiting? At what point did texting and facebook chat take the place of casual, or not so casual phone conversations?

We cringe at the thought of actually dialing that number that was given to us last night at the bar. We’re quick to question a guy if he’s calling us, and we think he’s earned himself a stage-five clinger status if he calls twice in a row.

How can something as simple as a phone call have turned into something so complicated? Somewhere in the last five years some sort of digital protocol was formed regarding the opposite sex. Don’t text back right away, don’t be the last answer has become our new “hard to get” strategy. When you take a step back from it all, it seems like utter, and complete, well…shit.

Although I raise the question, I know no one will ever be able to pry my laptop away from me, or (if they can find it) make me give up texting on my cell phone. Food for thought I guess. It makes me wonder what technology inflicted problems the next generation will encounter. Zeedus Lapeedus. Thank god I’m an 80s baby.

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