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Stress: The Other “Person” in Our Bed.

Submitted by Zoe Turner on March 8, 2010 – 9:00 amView Comments

Last night… was one of those nights.

I slept on my side of the bed, my guy, on his.

No arguments beforehand… just kinda happened.

Wasn’t so bad… but it wasn’t soo good either. I was freezing… and not used to the silence.

Seems like Hollywood filmmakers are great at throwing (imaginary) family members, exes, etc. in bed with a couple for some comical relief, but what about that thing people don’t usually find funny, but is there“The Dark Cloud of Worrisome Thoughts” otherwise known as… STRESS?

Living in New York isn’t always easy, as an individual and for couples.

We’ve got heaps flying our way. If you ask most of us who live here, if we weren’t born here, we came for a reason, and aren’t going to settle for anything less that ” absolutely” achieving that goal.

That’s why we pay crazy rent for small spaces, put up with the cold winters, and the sometimes “cold” people.

(Mind you, once you get to know us, we’re not that bad, just takes awhile to break through the rush that comes from the mindset of “I’m on a mission”.)

It’s almost amazing when one does find him/herself in a relationship. (Where’s the time??)

And that’s where the juggling begins…. and the additional stress.

When I woke up this morning, it was still pretty silent. I kept thinking about finding a solution. (Being a bit boyish here and trying to “fix-things”… now THAT’s funny).

My guy said he had a lot of stress on his chest, and he didn’t want it to affect me. But, dammit, it did.

Seems like men forget that sometimes sharing… really is caring.  Even when it comes to  unloading worries.

In my mind, I couldn’t help but think if we’re gonna go chasing dreams and fighting our little battles… we might as well do it together.

It’s like we’ve become this group of people, that wants to stand alone, be individuals, unique in every way, strong in that we can convince ourselves that can “handle it” etc. We’re in the era of the “SELF-Help-Boom” but aren’t we all sick of being ALONE?

Why invite into our bed things that separate us, instead of bringing us together?

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