The Digits
So there’s this girl. She’s cute and funny and we get along pretty well. We’re in this getting-to-know-you, semi-flirting stage right now. This is a great place to be, but I’ve found that if you stay here too long, you drift right past romance and into friend territory. Pretty soon, she starts telling you about the guy she’s dating, and you pretend to be supportive. Then when he treats her bad, you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from saying things like “I’d never do that to you.” At this point, you’ve pretty much lost your chance - she’s forgotten you’re a man. Eventually, she meets somebody real, and you want to hate him, but he’s actually pretty cool. Case closed, coffin nailed shut, stick a fork in you – you’re done.
Needless to say, I’m trying not to let that happen this time. I think I need her phone number. Ah, but how to ask for it? I suspect, like many things in life, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. The right way is natural and organic – it doesn’t interrupt the texture of the conversation, but it still has a hint of excitement and possibility to it. The wrong way is like a car wreck in slow motion. It starts with “Hey, so…”, proceeds to a look of bewilderment, and ends with a pity-driven number exchange. You never even call.
Side note – be sure she isn’t drunk when she gives you her number. One time I handed a girl my phone to type her number in, and I ended up getting only 9 out of 10 digits. Intentional? Maybe. Frustrating? Definitely. (I eventually got the last number. It was a 2.)
Caveats aside, I need to make my move, lest I become her most trusted girlfriend. Sometimes, these things just happen. Sometimes, you need to make them happen. Wish me luck.