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Submitted by Jordan-Alicia Machado on September 6, 2010 – 4:48 amComments

I’ll cut right to the chase.  Don’t be afraid to let go (or, at the very least, loosen your grip a bit) on what could be or what you’re hoping for to live in the moment for awhile.

For me, right now, that moment involves chases after bubbles that evolve into giggle fests, long evening walks/talks with the Pom, and relishing one-day weekends with the Mister.  As much as I’d like to constantly keep surging forward, I’ll humbly admit to learning the hard way how easy it is to burn out.  If the only meaning given to each passing day lies in its ability to roll you along towards a far-off goal, you might honestly wind up so drained and overexerted, you forget what all the fuss is for in the first place.  (Like I did.)

Thankfully, I surround myself with honest people who serve as mirrors to my behavior.  These people on one recent occasion weren’t afraid to say, “Cut the shit, Jord.  You can’t go on like this.”  (To be fair, I should mention that I did my absolute best to resist this advice, but only managed another three weeks prior to falling completely flat on my face.)

My modest resolution is to be more realistic when it comes to goals and the time I allocate to reach them.  Sometimes the things we want aren’t worth all the little people moments we have to step on sacrifice.  (At least not entirely.)  Bubbles, tickles, puppies, and a certain Korean biker dude are my present.  I guess I can live with that.

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