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Prince Romeo

Submitted by Chris Evangelista on June 11, 2010 – 7:39 pmComments

Remember when you used to swoon over the TV when watching Cinderella? Oh, don’t even deny it. I know you did. All of us felt that girlie magic when Cinderella’s fairy godmother put that pretty sparkly gown on her. I also know that you got really excited when the shoe fit her foot and the prince asked her to live with him. Then we all sighed dreamily when we learned that they lived happily ever after. There’s no getting away from these scenarios. These things had a strong effect on, probably, most of our early fantasies about love.

I know that most of our adolescent years have been about this person. As time continues, our fantasies and opinions about love evolve but I know that at some point, we all had our moments of starring into the starry night sky dreaming about how our Romeos would be. Where is this guy who is supposed to sweep us off our feet? Does he have enticing blue eyes that remind us of the Santorini skyline? Perhaps he has deep passionate brown eyes that will melt us like how chocolate melts in heat? We are always curious about this mysterious guy. It keeps us excited about the new things in our lives. As we enter new stages in our lives, we have more and more questions. We watch chick flicks after chick flicks, only to leave the theater in deep thought. Where would I meet this person? Would the beautiful words that escape his mouth only meant for our ears to hear? Would he get out of the cab and run through traffic because he wants to tell us that he loves us? Would he show up at your work place just because he had the day off and wanted to surprise you with your favorite ice cream? Would he do what the guy did in those movies? We keep faith that someday, we will have our piece of that happily ever after cake.

Some of us get so caught up on this search for Prince Romeo that we become one of ‘them’ (aka the pessimists). I consider today’s media as one of ‘them’ because they portray Prince Romeo as this extremely hard to come by type of a person. I do not agree with that. Now, here’s a question I’m going to throw out there – what happens if you finally find this Romeo? What if you find him now? Think about it.

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