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Being Single is My Job

Submitted by Nikki T. on June 9, 2010 – 2:41 pmComments

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Being single in the city is a job all its own. There’s the dress code, the hours, the pay (typically the reimbursement in food and drinks with what you paid for those shoes, but feel free to use your imaginations as to payment). And like a job, at this age, it holds no true commitment, there’s no sense of loyalty unless your boss is really hot.
Last night, this single girl went on a makeshift date. And I’ll say date because he paid for drinks and he went in for the kiss when I met him there (which I of course gave him the cheek – I don’t tend to be the PDA girl, drunken PDA, maybe), and I’ll say makeshift because I thought I was meeting a fellow NBA fan to just drink and watch the game. However, after I downed three beers and he was still on number one, I realized then that this was intended to be something more.

So what I’ve learned about being single in the city is, learn the job before your first day. Expectations and reality have a weird way of meeting when you don’t have any panties on!

courtesy of chicagonow.com

courtesy of chicagonow.com

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